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Featured J!Buzz


Raynell Cooper: "Following my Dreams post-Jeopardy!"

From Season 27

Growing up, I had two dreams: going on Jeopardy! and becoming an urban planner. After winning the 2011 Teen Tournament during my senior year of high school, I turned my attention toward goal #2, putting my winnings toward studying geography at George Washington University. I went on to grad school at the University of Maryland, and I’m now living my other dream as a transportation planner in beautiful San Francisco, California! On top of that, after appearing on the show, Jeopardy! champion David Madden asked me to help him with a few history-based academic tournaments around the D.C. area. For eight years, I’ve had the pleasure to be a part of this project’s growth into an international, interdisciplinary organization that brings the love of trivia to students all around the world.